Modern Herringbone Pattern For Your Home In Australia

You might have read many articles on herringbone tiles patterns. And you may be wondering if there are new herringbone patterns apart from the one you used to know. Of course, nothing is changing about this unique pattern, but there’s an upgrade.

The upgrade in herringbone tile has been the one behind its popularity today. Although installing it remains intact, there are discoveries in terms of interior and exterior decoration. As a matter of fact, it would be nice if you were installing the correct herringbone pattern that is in vogue. Visit to read more about herringbone pattern tiles in Australia.

Therefore, don’t be carried away with a zigzag pattern of tile that is obsolete mere looking at it. I have seen people complaining about the herringbone tile pattern in their homes as though they were being tricked about the information they heard about this pattern before installing it. Don’t be deceived; as I said earlier, there are discoveries in the tile industry today that will give your project a pleasant look that will bring forth questions from those seeing it. 

Modern Herringbone Pattern For Your Home In Australia

The rate at which people are installing herringbone tile in Australia is beyond expression. Almost everyone wants to install this pattern on their walls and floors. Due to this reason, companies that produced tiles have taken it up to creatively bring out something unique that will make this herringbone pattern not to be outdated. Do you know there are several ways to bring herringbone tile patterns to your home? Of course, Yes!

I know you are ready. Let me not keep you waiting. Let’s ride!

New ways to bring herringbone patterns to your home

  1. Headboard herringbone pattern: Have you heard about headboard herringbone tile? You can make use of this pattern in your bedroom. It was a herringbone tile pattern that the SP ESTUDIO office designed. This unique herringbone pattern is attached to the entire width of the wall to create a dynamic room element. The headboard is a new style of herringbone pattern that will inject a good dose of visual warmth.
  2. Subway tiles in a herringbone pattern: Several subway tiles can install in herringbone patterns in homes. You might not know what others are doing. The day I found out that one can successfully install subway tiles in a herringbone pattern, I was amazed. Some of the subway tiles that one can use to create a herringbone pattern are:
  • White bevelled ceramic subway tile
  • Ceramic subway tile
  • Porcelain subway tile
  1. Tiles in different colours: This is also one of the discoveries in the tile industry. Nowadays, people no longer install a tile of one colour in a herringbone pattern. Do you know one can combine tiles of two colours to create a herringbone tile pattern that will look stunning? Yes, it is possible. Some colours match each other that one can consider. Below here are the colours of tiles that one can combine to create a herringbone tile:
  • Black tile being combine with white tile will create a stunning look to your home, and you also will be the boast of telling people out there that you installed herringbone tile in your home. 
  • The combination of lilac and purple will tile be a good choice of herringbone tile in your bathroom.
  • Indigo and navy blue tiles will bring an excellent balance to places like the living room and balcony.
  • Black tiles and red tiles will be a good combination for creating a unique herringbone pattern.
  1. Using white tiles in the living room: You can use white tiles in your living room. Today, people believe that once a wall is covered with white tile, the tiles are easily stained. But the fact remains that people have forgotten the uniqueness in installing white tiles in a herringbone pattern in homes. Of course, one needs to learn some tips on how to clean white tiles effectively. If one can achieve that, then nothing should stop that person from installing it. I have seen living rooms with white herringbone tiles in different houses. One of the benefits of using this unique tile in your living room is the kind of illumination and attractiveness this unique tile will bring to it.
  2. Be strict with the installation process: Here, I think you will need a guide on how to install herringbone tile. Why am I saying this? Some patterns look precisely like the herringbone pattern. If you don’t know this, a tiler can install another pattern for you and call it herringbone tile. Of course, it will look like herringbone tile because it is also a zigzag pattern mere looking at it. Do you know that there’s just a slight difference between herringbone tile and chevron tile? Chevron tiles are rectangular pieces, and they will form a zigzag pattern after installing them. Please permit me to share a story with you. I was called to look after a project here in Sydney a few years ago. On getting to the site, I discovered that the tiler installed a chevron tile pattern on the living room walls and called it a herringbone pattern for his client. You should know the end of that story. Therefore, it is expedient for you to know some tips on installing a herringbone tile pattern. Of course, you might not be able to do it by yourself. But if you have a little knowledge about it, you will know if a tiler is doing something else. You might be wondering how to do that. You can go online, search for tips on how to install herringbone tile. 
Modern Herringbone Pattern For Your Home In Australia


This article is a message you need to read through again. You can help your friends and families by sharing this crucial information with them. Don’t forget what I said earlier; the herringbone tile pattern has been existing for decades. The only reason why it has been the most-used pattern is because of its uniqueness and benefits. Therefore, I hope to see you moving with the cloud.